
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Badak LNG, a World Class Energy Company


For almost 40 years successfully in operating and maintaining LNG Plant, Badak LNG has able to produce the largest LNG production and shipment in the world. By the end of the year of 2015, it will reach 8800 LNG shipments. Proven attaining more than 74 million safe working hours without Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) since 2006. 1972 : Discovery of huge natural gas reserve in Badak Field, East Kalimantan. 1977 : First drop of LNG Production from the Train A, Badak LNG production plant which marked as the first Indonesian LNG and also the first LNG shipment of LNG on Tanker “LNG Aquarius” 1999 : Completion of the "8-Trains Master Plan (Train A – H)”. 2001 : Peak of LNG Production with 22.5 MPTA and 379 STD cargo shipment in one year. 2007 – now : The declining era of Badak LNG natural gas resources. In entering the transition period due to the declining era of Badak LNG natural gas resources, Badak LNG has succesfully developed competence, high-quality, and skilled professional LNG experts through its LNG Learning Center which able to attract many domestic and international LNG companies in the world to visit, learn and gain the 40 years experience of Badak LNG in operating and maintaining LNG/LPG Plant in safe, reliable and efficient manner. Badak LNG was able to conduct Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger (MCHE) Repair in Yemen LNG by using Badak LNG resources which consist of engineer, operator, welder, and inspectors. The project was conduct in 2 weeks duration from 1 month predicted and successfully solved the leakage and significantly saving cost and time for Yemen LNG.
  • Starting 2009, Badak LNG has succesfully developed an independent High and Medium Voltage Motor maintenance and repair using Badak LNG human resources.
  • Previously, maintenance and repair activity were done in Singapore or other country by manufacturer or third party expert. By having this improvement, Badak LNG can save up to USD 2,000,000 and can speed-up the maintenance time by 6 (six) weeks.
  • Badak LNG was able to independently conduct overhaul for steam and gas turbine using Badak LNG local workforce which significantly saving cost and time. Previously, overhaul was done by manufacturer’s foreign expert. Badak LNG has continuously improved its human resources and competencies development by maintaining knowledge transfer from expert.
  • Badak LNG was able to conduct intermediate survey, special survey, and dry docking activity for tug boat in its own shipyard by optimizing its human resources.
  • Previously, the docking activity of Badak LNG tug boats was done in Balikpapan or Surabaya. By having this significant improvement, Badak LNG can reduced dry docking cost and can also attract other parties to conduct dry docking activities in Badak LNG shipyard.

“ Provide World class LNG Services for Operation, Maintenance & Technical excellence” 

By having extensive experience nearly 40 years in LNG Industry, Badak LNG share its expertise through Badak LNG Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Service & Technical Service. We provide qualified expert, Highly skilled and competence work-force and also have successfully provided services for Norway, Statoil, Snohvit LNG, Angola LNG, Yemen LNG, BP Berau-Tangguh LNG, Saipem for FLNG project in Masela. “to create professionals in operating and maintaining LNG Plants” “ in order to maintain the expertise and continuously improved its knowledge transfer management to attract other LNG companies in the world, Badak LNG has established Badak LNG Learning Center to prepare and create capable, skilled, and professional operators, maintenance technicians, HSE officer, fire fighting and rescue response personnel, laboratory analyst and other key position in LNG Plant, where most of the training programs had been customized to meet any specific customer needs.  

Why we are different?
  • All of the training modules was made by personnel expert based on best practice application in LNG Plant.
  • All of the training modules has been conducted through pilot project using internal resources (Management Trainee & LNG Academy) in order to improve training quality and fullfil costumer expectation.
  • All of the training will be conduct on real LNG Plant (Train A & B) and industrial scale workshop.

PT Badak NGL has many facilities for trainees and employees , among others:

“ Our Instructor are OPITO Certified “ 

“On Going BNSP LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) Certification from BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) as well” In order to meet customer expectation and satisfaction, LNG Learning Center is supported by world class learning facilities such as :
  1. Real LNG Plant (Idle Train)
  2. Industrial Scale Workshop (Machinery, Instrument, Electrical, Mechanical, Welding)
  3. Operator Training Simulator
  4. Laboratory
  5. Training Classroom
LNG Learning Center also supported by accommodation, transportation, sports and recreation facilities to fulfill customer needs. Badak LNG has successfully developed high skilled & competence internal human resources through its LNG Learning Center. The internal human resources developments in Badak LNG were funded by profit from expertise sharing activities.
  1. OMDP : Operation & Maintenance Development Program
  2. PDP : Professional Development Program
  3. EPDP : Engineer Professional Development Program
  4. MT : Management Trainee
  5. LNG Academy

LNG Academy is a full scholarship Diploma 3 Program which was establish to develop special skilled and competence personnel, in order to fulfill qualification workforce in oil and gas company. 

LNG Academy 

Facts about LNG Academy 

Full scholarship program as part of Badak LNG CSR. Funded by profit from expertise sharing activities. -LNG Academy was managed and operated in collaboration with academic institution (Politeknik Negeri Jakarta) -D3 Degree Program (6 semesters), certified by Politeknik Negeri Jakarta with 40% Practice and 60% theory. LNG academy also able to gain certification of expertise from Badak LNG -3 Majors : LNG Processing, Mechanical-Rotating and Electrical-Instrument. -Real plant workshop for practice and guided by experience instructors. 1st Batch : Has been graduated and becomes the employee of Badak LNG. 2nd Batch : Has been graduated and still in JST program. 3rd Batch : Prepare for the final project. 4th Batch : Prepare for classification into 3 majors. 5th Batch : Attend campus month program in PNJ In collaboration with SKK Migas, Badak LNG will conduct welding training and certification in Bintuni, Papua. In order to meet client expectation, Badak LNG is now currently conducting welding training pilot project in Badak LNG Learning Center facilities attended by LNG Academy batch 2. And now they had passed the certification by SKK Migas on September 17th 2015. Badak LNG already proved that LNG Academy program was able to answer the need of qualified personnel from expertise sharing knowledge through a world class learning center. Badak LNG highly expect that this best practice of LNG learning center in creating a good human resource development could be implemented by other companies in collaboration with academic institutions.

“Join Us to be a world class LNG company through our excellence LNG Learning Center” 

Source : Badak LNG Flyer at Indonesia HR Summit 2015

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